The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
February 9th, 2025
N2M 4Z2
247 Westmount Road East Telephone 519-745-6422
Pastor Warren Hamp Telephone 519-571-0240
PRAYER: Holy Spirit, Who calls, gathers, and enlightens the Holy Church by Your Word, grant us ears to hear the voice of Jesus calling us to follow Him to Life, and grant us mouths to confess His saving Name and work to all to whom Your send us; for You live and reign with Your Christ and the Father, one God, world without end. Amen.
- Charles our king, his ministers and parliaments in Canada; active and acting concern for the poor and homeless in our midst; order for Haiti; the maintaining of the ceasefire in Israel and Gaza; the regaining of peace for the embattled people in Ukraine, in Sudan, and in the Congo
- Christ’s help and healing for the sick, especially for John, Marilyn, Betty, Gina, and those who care for them; John Couch, Jim Hammond, Ron Witt, Ray Knipping, for healing or patience by God’s grace; Merv Goebel (brother of Gerry and Jean), for stroke recovery; Pastor Robert Clifford, in cancer treatment; Bill House, in palliative care; Donna Bickford in ICU; those who battle anxiety or despair, and those facing family challenges
- Christ’s calling of His church in every place to be fishers of men; Timothy our Synod President, Marvin, David, and Robert, our Regional Pastors, Andre, our Circuit Counsellor; our Lutheran churches in Ukraine and in Russia, Haiti, and Nicaragua, for God’s gifts to be shared; Rev. Frank Morgret who serves as Resident Pastoral Advisor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity in Sainte-Foy (Quebec City)
WeeklyGoal | LastSunday | Goal ToDate | Rec’d ToDate | |
CURRENT | $4353 | $6126 | $21765 | $21959 |
MISSIONS | $587 | $1250 | $2935 | $4115 |
BUILDING | $535 | $840 | $2675 | $3330 |
CURRENT: Current Memorial $100, Portals of Prayer $30, Sunday School $27
OTHER: CLWR $30, LBT $40, Rancheria Nutrition $100, Sunday School Mission $13, Redeemer Vicarage Support Fund $90, National Youth Gathering 2025 Fund $100
A donation in memory of Yvonne Weichel from Carolyn Baranski and Barb Hallman to Current Memorial; Esther Groleau to Redeemer Vicarage Support Fund; Brian & Judy Wardle to CLWR & LBT.
THE FLOWERS in the chancel have been place to the glory of God by Tammi Eggen.
THE LUTHERAN HOUR weekly message of inspiration and hope will be broadcast on CKWR, FM 98.5 on Sunday at 6pm. You can listen on-line at “We Have an Advocate” Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler. Where we might see only a problem, Jesus sees a person who needs an Advocate. (John 5:6)
May be downloaded at
ISSUES ETC. THE PROMISES OF GOD IN SCRIPTURE SERIES…How do you know if a promise in the Bible is for you? Issues, Etc., a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL, is doing a series on The Promises of God with Pastor Will Weedon of “The Word of the Lord Endures Forever.” You can listen to this series at
Thursday: | 6:30pm Catechesis |
Sunday: | 8:15am Divine Service 9:30am Sunday School & Bible Study 10:45am Matins |
Just a friendly reminder – please refrain from wearing perfumes or other strong scents when coming to worship, in care for your sisters and brothers who are scent-sensitive. Thank you.
This Morning at 9:30am (downstairs) come for a Bible Study/ Presentation from Pastor Ron Mohr, the Executive Director of Lutheran Bible Translators – Canada. We have been supporting their work in Cameroun for some time, so this is a great time to receive updates on how God is working through Bible translators there! We thank God for Pastor Ron Mohr preaching and presiding at our services today while Pastor Hamp is away.
Pastor will be away in Nicaragua until Friday. If you have any emergencies this week ahead, please contact one of our Elders (Ken Baxter, Jeff Brum, or Brian King) or Pastor Rob Korsch at 519-584-0820
SAVE THE DATE! Vacation Bible School will run mornings the week of July 14-18. The theme this year will be The Armour of God. Children in Junior Kindergarten-Grade 6 are invited to attend. Bring a friend with you!
We’ll also be looking for volunteers to help teach, shepherd children from one activity to the next, help with crafts, outdoor activities, and snack prep.
Contact Kathy King 226-792-1047 or
Pastor Hamp at church 519-745-6422
CIRCUIT YOUTH MEETINGS continue every 4th Friday of the month at Holy Cross, 7-9 pm. AND ALL other Fridays, Youth of our circuit are meeting at Messiah, Waterloo at 7pm. (in February, all the Fridays will be happening at Messiah)
From the Faith Church Council –
The Redeemer Vicarage Support Fund is ongoing, in support of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Waterloo, who is hosting Vicar Vijay Samuel this year. Since all congregations benefit from the Vicarage training, we desire to assist our sisters and brothers at Redeemer. You can give support on the ‘Other’ line of your offering envelope.
The Flower Calendar for 2025 is posted in the old narthex. Please fill in your name if you wish to provide flowers on any Sunday (except for Lent) as a memorial for a loved one or to celebrate a special day. A flower convenor will contact you to finalize details prior to the date that you have reserved. Thank you.
We have a use for gently-used Portals of Prayer and other devotional booklets! If you bring yours back to church and place it in the box beneath the literature table, it will make its way to edify women at a women’s shelter in Hamilton.
We now have Interac e-Transfer set up through our congregation’s bank account. If you wish to make use of this for your offerings to God, then please email Sherrie for the details at: