Weekly Bulletin

The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

July 21st , 2024



N2M 4Z2

247 Westmount Road East                Telephone 519-745-6422

     Pastor Warren Hamp                     Telephone 519-571-0240


revhamp247@gmail.com                 office@faithlutherankw.com


PRAYER: Lord Jesus Christ, we are ever in need of Your teaching and Your feeding. Come to us, we pray, in the desolate places of this world, and though we in no way have earned it, show us Your compassion through Your Good News and Your Holy Supper; for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Sprit, one God, world without end. Amen.


· Wise and just leaders for our Canada; the work of the Food Bank and House of Friendship; hope for order in Haiti; the victims of warfare in Ukraine, in Gaza and Israel, and in all places of conflict, and an end to the rule of wicked forces

· God’s lavish grace to those who suffer in body or mind, especially: John, Marilyn, Betty, for God’s peace amid confusion; Gina Schoenwiese, for relief of pain; John Couch, Jim Hammond, Ron Witt, Ray Knipping, for strengthening and patience by God’s grace; Pastor Robert Clifford, for cancer treatment; Bill House, in palliative care; those who suffer from anxiety or depression

· All congregations of our Lutheran Church Canada, for unity in the Spirit; Timothy our Synod President, Marvin, David, and Robert, our Regional Pastors, Andre, our Circuit Counsellor; our Lutheran churches in Ukraine and in Russia, Nicaragua and Haiti

This morning we welcome in the Lord’s Name Pastor Allan Scharlach, who will preach and preside at the Divine Service. We pray God’s rich blessing upon His Word to us!


Sunday – 9:30am – Divine Service

Just a friendly reminder – please refrain from wearing perfumes or other strong scents when coming to worship, in care for your sisters and brothers who are scent-sensitive. Thank you.

From the Faith Church Council –

            Two mission funds were established by Council for 2024, to which you are welcome to contribute by noting them in the ‘Other’ line of your offering envelope.

  1. LAMP Team 2024 Fund – to support the group going to Little Grand Rapids, Manitoba, to conduct VBS in the summer
  2. Nicaragua Team 2024 Fund – to support the service that our group from Faith will endeavour in Nicaragua in November
  3. Also, Council has approved the establishment of the Redeemer Vicarage Support Fund. Redeemer Lutheran Church in Waterloo serves the congregations of Lutheran Church Canada by hosting a Vicar (an internship year for students studying at the seminary for the Pastoral Ministry) when one is available. There is a considerable cost to this, of course, including a living stipend and housing. Since all congregations benefit from the Vicarage training, we thought it would be right and salutary to offer some assistance to Redeemer congregation in this service to the church. Gifts to this fund (which you can mark on the ‘Other’ line of your envelope) will be sent to Redeemer for this specific purpose.  Thank you!

The Flower Calendar for 2024 is posted in the old narthex. Please fill in your name if you wish to provide flowers on any Sunday (except for Lent) as a memorial for a loved one or to celebrate a special day.  A flower convenor will contact you to finalize details prior to the date that you have reserved.  Thank you.

We have a use for gently-used Portals of Prayer and other devotional booklets!  If you bring yours back to church and place it in the box beneath the literature table, it will make its way to edify women at a women’s shelter in Hamilton. 

We now have Interac e-Transfer set up through our congregation’s bank account. If you wish to make use of this for your offerings to God, then please email Sherrie for the details at: office@faithlutherankw.com